Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It all started...

This incredible journey started with my (Sandra's) prayers to transform my husband into a man on FIRE for God and ready to take that spiritual head of the household. I was constantly playing Holy Spirit to my husband to no avail of course. Or so I thought. About 5-6 months ago God answered my prayer above and beyond and in a way i NEVER would have expected.
We had been attending our previous church less and less due to various reasons. One BIG one of which I came to find out was that my husband just wasn't learning a thing. Going to church was just to go and to see our friends. I would tend to the little ones as my husband sat in the sanctuary and then at home I would ask what he learned and he would reply, "I don't know". I was becoming less and less content with HIM since he was not reading the Bible or making an attempt to go to church. I was becoming a spiritual NAG and Nuisance really. NOT at all what God wanted from me as a helpmeet. We became distant with each other. I didn't see an active role in fathering so I was just about wore out with the kids and him. My wonderful husband kept his patience with me all the while. I was on my spiritual high horse after all I attended the same church for 20 something years and went to Christian school- I read the BIBLE!! God sure did put me in my spot....humbled me if you will. A friend of mine began meeting with some other families that were mutual friends of ANOTHER friend of mine. She told me that she had learned so much more about the Bible in the 3 months she's been meeting with them than in a long time.

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